Thursday, May 26, 2011


So the government has withdrawn all oil and gas to their own uses. Looks like i was correct in my end-of-days assumption. Society is going mental, and people are fighting for their lives. Taking away SUVs and designer shoes from americans ultimately ends in a bloodthirsty apocalypse. I feel nothing for these roaches... they did it to themselves. Mankind has strived for this end since the beginning and finally they're getting what they were asking for. Good thing i got my electric car, solar generators, food, batteries, weapons, and resources and split town into the mountains with a few family and friends. Ive seen Red Dawn enough times to know how this scenario flies.


My thoughts on 10/gallon gas.
Well obviously, the entire world is almost out of gas. Peak gas as they call it, essentially calls for the end of human civilization. So, im taking out as many loans as I can. No reason not to be in debt right? I'll buy a completely electric car so i can still get around after the world has ended. And with the rest of my money, ill stock up on food, weapons, resources and shelter. Undoubtedly every American is going to go bat$#1T crazy and start looting and killing everyone to feed their own families. I might as well have the upper hand!

A6 video